About Tore Technology and Elastic Engineering
TT&EE™ is based on the
principle of the most stable motion in nature – toroidal motion. The
toroidal motion is observed in a number of phenomena occurring in
natures such as the Gadlay’s cell, representing the atmospheric
circulation system on Mars and the Earth, the sea and ocean currents
circulation system on the Earth, Hill’s vortex, Benar’s cells and
Kuette’s flow, the peristalsis process and the locomotion mechanism of
invertebrates (snakes), the magnetic force field structure, mechanics
of the galaxies, small comets and ball lightning, tornado, water
spout, cyclone and etc.
These natural shell constructions have the following features in
• Various combinations of interacting closed surfaces with different
topological characteristics. For example, a thin elastic toroidal
shells, pressurized with gaseous fluid.
• The electronic system embedded in the structure of the shell
“material”. The shell is comprised of sensors and execution
mechanisms, information and power channels, data processing centers;
• The integrated design of the electro-mechanical system provides
optimum life support to natural elastic phenomena by consuming less
energy and acting in balance (in terms of energy exchange) with the
TT&EE™ is a science
of applying the natural phenomena to the man-made elastic machines and
mechanisms. First references to innovations related to elastic toroids
appeared in the U.S. in 1963 and 1968. All other fundamental
inventions in the area of cylinder and conical elastic toroids were
made by R.Z. Kozhevnikov, a Russian inventor and Dr. Shikhirin’s
mentor, from 1969 to 1984. These inventions included the use of
toroids for transportation vehicles. All further inventions, based on
elastic toroids and kinematically related construction elements, used
the above-mentioned inventions as prototypes or equivalent models. The
majority of related information materials were published in the former
USSR between 1974 and 1984.
The TT&EE™ innovations
were not given subsequent advancement in the 70’s and 80’s due to the
underdevelopment or shortage of:
• Elastomer materials suitable for the construction of toroids. At
that time, only rubber-fabric materials were produced in big volumes
but they were not fit for application in tore-based machines and
mechanisms because of low reliability, heavy weight, high particle
count, etc;
• Radio electronic elements, modules and blocks fabricated with thin-
or thick-film technologies;
• Textiles of suitable structures;
• Smart materials;
• Computerization and Information Technologies.
Since 1991, Dr. Shikhirin has conducted comprehensive research and
development activities of TT&EE™
and became a world leader in the TT&EE™
field. The first conceptual articles on the elastic mechanics and its
design base were published by Dr. Shikhirin in 1999. A classification
system and methods of the elastic toroid testing were developed, along
with the specifications for thin elastic soft toroid shell materials,
working-fluid medium and the means of producing it. In addition, the
following investigations have been conducted:
• Design and manufacturing options for smart textile materials.
• Design and manufacturing options of elastomer coatings (elastomers,
thermoplastics, polymeric films), composite materials (compounds),
rubber-fabric-film composites in terms of its suitability for driving
and its smart, protective and self-sealing functions.
• Potential technologies for fabrication of toroidal shells
(hot-pressing, cutting, gluing, stitching, etc.)
In 1995 – 1998 Dr. Shikhirin carried out comprehensive research work
targeted at development of TT&EE™
vehicle, including the means for transportation of large and heavy
loads (more 500 metric ton) over the rough terrains, in extreme
ecological conditions with ability of loading and unloading. The
results obtained during studies of different functionality of the
first (peripheral part) and the second (central part) surfaces of the
elastic toroid were published by Dr. Shikhirin in 2001. The studies
were followed by subsequent tests on some working models.
In August 30, 2001, Dr. Shikhirin immigrated to the USA as an “alien
of extraordinary ability” (mathematical/computer scientist) and has
continued studies and developments of machines and mechanisms that
have a multi-component (multi-cavity, multi-chamber) toroid including
two or more cavities as the basic construction. With a status of a
permanent resident of the US and owner of technology, Dr. Shikhirin
founded the Elastoneering, Inc in November 2002. The mission of the
company is to develop and commercialize the TT&EE™
applications that empower traditional mechanical engineering to offer
more efficient solutions for technical problems.
Dr. Shikhirin plans on applying for a patent for the toroidal
technologies and applications in July 2005. |